It's that that special time of the year when the Easter Bunny makes his way to all good little boys and girls houses. The Easter Bunny has been a symbolic image of Easter. Its important to remember though that Easter is more than bunnies. baskets, treats, and egg hunts. Easter is a time to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the real reason we celebrate this sacred holiday. Many holidays have become commercialized due to social media and advertising. Easters more than coloring eggs and getting chocolate. Easter is a very important time to remember to specifically celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection. As a Christian, I believe this should be taught and celebrated throughout the year, not just Easter. I'm all about having fun on holidays, but its important to remember the true meaning of the holiday. When I was little, I would always be excited for the Easter Bunny to come. When I think back on past Easter's, I remember fun time with my family around the table and running around the backyard looking for eggs. Its family that makes this holiday so special. Easters more than getting chocolate rabbits and eggs, its being with your family that matters the most. So this April 8th, 2012 take time to remember the true meaning of Easter.
symbolic - something important
egg hunts - plastic eggs filled with candy
sacred - holy
commercialized - to make money off of
social media - web based and mobile technology
advertising- calling products to attention
specifically - varying from others
resurrection - rising from the dead
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Easter Bunny - brings gifts
Activity: Math the correct vocabulary word with the correct definition.
1. egg hunts ______ A. to make money off of
2. resurrection _______ B. something important
3. commercialized _______ C. calling products to attention
4. specifically ____ D. rising from the dead
5. sacred ____ E. varying from others
6. symbolic ____ F. plastic eggs filled with candy
7. Easter Bunny ____ G. web based and mobile technology
8. advertising _____ H. brings gifts
9. social media _____ I. holy
Peter Cotton Tail
Grammar Point:
Parts of Speech - Adverbs
Adverbs are words that modify (1) verbs, (2) adjectives, and (3) other adverbs.
They tell how (manner), when (time), where (place), how much (degree), and why (cause). Why is a common one-word adverb that tells why. Adverbs that tell us how, when, where, and why always modify the verb. Adverbs that tell us how much modify adjectives or other adverbs. These adverbs are also called qualifiers because they strengthen or weaken the words they modify.
He threw the ball solidly. (how)
He threw the ball immediately. (when)
He threw the ball forward. (where)
He threw the ball too hard. (how much).
Instructions: Find the adverbs in the following sentences and what they tell us.
1. John answered the question quickly.
2. The response was given too softly.
3. I soon understood what he said yesterday.
4. Fran and Liz wanted to know then and there.
5. Why do we misunderstand others so often?
An outstanding entry on Easter! I also agree that people should know the meaning of holidays.