One of the most exciting days in elementary school is soon approaching P.S. 160 and it is the 100th Day of school. The celebration begins on the actual 100th day of school which will be February 14th, 2012. Not only is it Valentines Day but the 100th day of school too which makes it even more special. Many students are looking forward to the parties that will take place in their classrooms. This is not just your typical school day. The whole school participates in this eventful day. Classrooms all around the building will be doing various activities that involve the number 100 either through reading, writing, or math. Everyone is looking forward to this special celebration. The principal even has a count down on the morning announcements each day. The whole school is preparing for this fun occasion and is even having a poster contest throughout the school. I'm hoping our class wins so we better put on your thinking caps and think of the best 100th Day poster idea. Start thinking of ideas tomorrow we will take a poll on what our class poster should be. Let the count down begin 8 days till the 100th Day of School !
Vocabulary :
celebration : party
approaching : to come close
typical : normal routine
participates : take part in
announcements :message
preparing: to get ready for
thinking caps : a state of thinking
Look through this message and see if you can find any future tense verbs. Once you have found all of the present tense verbs, fix the sentences and put them in past tense.
Grammar Point
The point of this blog was to emphasis looking forward to a particular day in school. There is a lot of preparation that goes into such an eventful day. This writing piece is supposed to get you excited about the 100th day of school. What part of the 100th Day of School are you looking forward to the most?
Has there every been a day that you have really looked forward to in school before? In a short summary, tell me what that day was like and why you looked forward to it.
The 100 Days of School in the elementary level is truly an exciting moment...Hope you and your students have a wonderful time! And put this thinking caps to work :)